Sotogrande Maps
Where is Sotogrande located? How is Sotogrande laid out?
In this section, you will find useful Sotogrande maps for better understanding of its location on the Costa, its layout and areas within the resort.
→ Download the Sotogrande Map in .PDF format – Click here!
Sotogrande Main Map

Sotogrande Map – Update March 2021
Sotogrande Port and The Marina

Sotogrande Port and Marina Map – Updated March 2021
Sotogrande Areas / Neighbourhoods Map: La Reserva de Sotogrande, Sotogrande Alto, Sotogrande Costa, Sotogrande Marina and Sotogrande Port – Zones

Sotogrande Map: Areas / Neighborhoods – Updated March 2021
Sotogrande Location Map
Sotogrande is located at the western end of Malaga´s Costa del Sol, but actually within the municipality of San Roque in Cadiz Province. It is 60 km from Marbella, and only a 15-minute drive to Gibraltar. Malaga airport is one hours drive away, as is Jerez de la Fontera. Seville is two hours’ drive, and the Atlantic coast beaches of Tarifa also a short 40-minute drive.
→ Download the Sotogrande Map in .PDF format – Click here!
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