Puesta de Bandera…. or Raising of the flag
There are traditions that do not end, but they do evolve. The “raising of the flag” is a good example in the world of construction. What does this tradition mean?
Currently, the laying of the flag represents the completion of the construction phase of the building’s structure and a very relevant milestone in the works. Over the years its significance has changed from being a sign to measure wind direction at the top of a partially built church, to a celebration that there have been no casualties at the building site after the most dangerous part of the build had been finished.

Raising of the Flag at the new home in Sotogrande Costa.
Last week in Sotogrande we had a “Puesta de Bandera” celebration in Sotogrande.
The owners of a villa which has been delivered celebrated the completion of the works with all those involved in the build. Traditionally this celebration would have been held once the most dangerous part of works, the main structure, had been complete. But, due to Covid and travel restrictions this could not take place until last week.
A warm celebration and welcome to our new neighbors!
The guest at the celebration held at the Don Diego restaurant at the Sotogrande Marina included: the architect (Arquitectos Benjumea), the project manager (MDCI project Managers), the builder (R.Solis), the different trades, the interior designers, the landscape gardeners, the lawyers (Hassans), the financial advisers (Fluent Finance Abroad), and the real estate agent (Noll Sotogrande).
We at Noll Sotogrande feel honoured to have been part of this project, which was undertaken during a very difficult time for everyone involved. A big thank you to everyone involved, Stephanie & Charles.