How to manage the change of ownership for electricity and gas services in my Sotogrande home
When acquiring a new property in Sotogrande, Cadiz, one of the matters to consider in order to enjoy it from the very beginning is ensuring the availability of basic utilities in the property.
When the previous owner has already activated these utilities in the property, what needs to be managed is the change of ownership to avoid any issues with the supply.
While these basic utilities include electricity, water, and gas, this blog will focus on how to manage a change of ownership for electricity and gas services, as they require more procedures and paperwork.
Procedure for changing the electricity service ownership
The new property owner, in order to effect the change of ownership for the electricity service, must:
- First, contact the electricity supply company for the property at that time and provide the following documents:
- Personal documentation, along with contact information if necessary.
- Personal documentation of the person who was the owner of the installation until the moment of the sale.
- Exact location of the property.
- Information regarding the bank account of the new owner for billing purposes.
- Contract that certifies the change of property ownership for the house.
- Indicate the specific code associated with the installation, known as the CUPS code.
- Specify the desired tariff for the property, which requires a prior study of the actual energy needs in order to select the best electricity tariff based on current energy demands.
- Finally, select the desired power capacity, as it determines the total capacity of the installation. A prior study of the actual power demand is also recommended for proper selection.
- Once this documentation is provided, it will be verified for accuracy. Once the verification is complete, the change of ownership will be effective. However, it’s important to note that the change is not immediate and it may take between one and twenty days to become effective.
- The execution of the change of ownership does not incur any cost for the user, as it is a free procedure.
Procedure for changing the gas service ownership
The new property owner, in order to effect the change of ownership for the gas service, must:
- Similarly to the electricity service, gather the following documents:
- Personal documentation, along with contact information if necessary.
- Personal documentation of the person who was the owner of the installation until the moment of the sale.
- Exact location of the property.
- Information regarding the bank account of the new owner for billing purposes.
- Contract that certifies the change of property ownership for the house.
- Indicate the specific code associated with the installation, known as the CUPS code.
- The gas access tariff.
- Once this documentation is provided, it will be verified for accuracy. Once the verification is complete, the change of ownership will be effective. However, it’s important to note that the change is not immediate and it may take between fifteen and twenty days to become effective.
- The change of ownership can only be completed once the billing period ends, thus ending the relationship with the previous owner.
When changing the service ownership, it is possible to choose the cheapest gas tariff based on the existing consumption needs, without any penalties from the company. Therefore, it is recommended to explore the available options for natural gas contracts.
Just like with the electricity service, this process is completely free of charge for both the previous and the new owners of the services.
If you need advice regarding the installation of solar panels for your property in Sotogrande, feel free to contact us!
*Disclaimer: This blog post was written by selectra.es as a guest author on the Noll & Partners SL website. Please note that the content contained in this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute or imply a substitute for professional advice. This information is of a general nature and has not taken into account your specific personal circumstances. It is strongly recommended to seek qualified and/or registered professional advice.