Allowing Pets in your Sotogrande Property: Advice for LANDLORDS.
Pet owners can often find it hard to find a place to live in Sotogrande as many landlords do not allow animals in their properties. We understand what an important part pets can play in people’s lives, so here are a few self-explanatory insights for Sotogrande’s landlords.
If you are willing to consider pets in your Sotogrande property, there are several steps that you should take to ensure the tenancy runs as smoothly as any other. The first is to understand your tenants’ pet, and how it may impact the property.

Kim Soudavar with her pets at her home in Sotogrande, with Stephanie Noll.
Ask the right questions about the pet!
Deciding that you are willing to consider pets does not mean that you must accept every pet in your Sotogrande property. You should consider each tenant and their pet on a case-by-case basis. Some questions that may help you make a decision could include the ones below.
- What type of pet(s) do you own and how many?
- How long have you had your pet for?
- Are you able to provide a reference for your pet from a previous landlord?
- Is your pet regularly vaccinated and treated for fleas and worms?
- Do you have someone who can care for your pet in case of an emergency or while you’re on holiday?
- Would you require any modifications to the property, such as a cat flap?
- How often do you walk/exercise your dog?
- How often will your pet be left at home alone and for how long?
- Do you have a pet sitter or dog walker for when you are not at home?
- Is your pet toilet-trained?
- How does your pet get along with other people, such as visitors to the property?
- Has your dog ever attended behaviour training classes?
- Has your pet been neutered?
⚠️ Require a professional clean – All tenancy agreements should state that tenants should professionally clean the property when they move out. This should include professionally cleaning all soft furnishings and carpets and treating the property for fleas and mites.
We would be happy to assist any reader in need. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are considering allowing pets on your Sotogrande home. Thank you, Charles Gubbins.
Email: charles.gubbins@noll-sotogrande.com
Mobile: +34 607 911 661